Wednesday, December 12, 2007

christmas in the city

preparations for in^significant others (opening in february at pier 39) are getting more and more intense and exciting. we had a photo shoot last night and it was so great to see the members of the cast new and old working together and having fun. this is my third incarnation of this show, each time it grows, each time it is sad to see some of the kids go and exciting to meet and work with such talented new kids. jay’s song christmas in the city is going to get some airplay this holiday season in san Francisco (it is a great song) and several members of the cast are going caroling in the castro this weekend – singing some new lyrics jay has set to some traditional carols – should be pretty hilarious. raymond hong put together a great video of the tree lighting event at pier 39 where several members of the cast sang christmas in the city down at pier 39. the video is really great. we had a great kick off party at the hard rock café at pier 39 to promote the show for group sales leaders – we debuted the new wigs and gowns for our drag dreemgurlz (bobby and alex worked the room before the performances of a few numbers from the show). all of this is very exciting – we have a great new set design, costumes, etc. and everything is getting kicked up a notch for this great new run at pier 39.