(photo is from "Park Takes The Stage" in Homeland)
This weekend -- the Theatre Bay Area annual general auditions. As a director - an auditor. Being at these auditions, I am reminded of the fact that we are not and never will be perfect. All of these talented Actors with just two minutes to show us what they can do. Just two minutes for us to imagine all of the possibilities for one of our upcoming productions. Whew! Perfectionism. It gets in the way as it imposes impossible, unrealistic ideals that guarantee failure. However, when we do not think we have to be perfect, then we can accept mistakes as learning experiences and be willing to try again.
We are not perfect -- we are growing. Accepting our own limitations makes us more tolerant of the faults and weaknesses of those around us. Together, we progress.
I am thankful that I don't need to be perfect!
I’m sharing some photos here from our workshop of “Homeland” last month at the Magic Theatre.

(photo is from "Across America" in Homeland")
Jay Kuo and I are looking at talent for upcoming productions of “Insignifiant Others” and a new musical that Jay is working on now called “All In.” I’m also casting for “Jekyll & Hyde” which I am directing at Palo Alto Players.

(Yilin Hsu and Luke Klipp as Rose and J.D. in Homeland)
There are so many wonderfully talented Actors here and while they may not think they are “perfect” most of them are absolutely right and wonderful. They provide those of us who love the theatre with endless opportunities for engaging storytelling and astonishing theatrical events.
Go see a play!